Scheduling of Bandwidth-Constrained Multimedia Traffic (THIS VERSION DOES NOT REFLECT ACTUAL VERSION OF COMP. COMM. BECAUSE OF EDITORIAL CHANGES) T.D.C. Little Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 USA A. Ghafoor School of Electrical Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA Abstract - Multimedia applications describe unique requirements that must be met by computer network and operating system components. In particular, the time-depend- encies of multimedia data require mechanisms to ensure timely and predictable delivery of data from their sources to destinations. For single medium applications which have relatively constant bandwidth utilization, connections from source to destination can be tailored to moderate ranges of data rates. On the other hand, due to the large variation in multimedia object sizes and concurrency in object presentation, multimedia applications can require a correspondingly large variation in required bandwidth over the life of a connection. Data of these types may not arrive in time to meet the intended playout schedule when the capacity of the channel is exceeded. In this paper we present an approach to remedying this situation by effectively smoothing the bandwidth requirement over time via a scheduling mechanism. 1 Introduction One of the unique requirements of a multimedia information system (MMIS) is the capability to present time-dependent data to the user. Time dependencies of multimedia data can be implied during creation, e.g., sequences of live video images. Data can also have time dependencies formulated explicitly (e.g., a pre-orchestrated slide presentation [1]). In either case, these time dependencies must be characterized and supported by the system. A MMIS must also be able to overcome any system delays caused by storage, communication, and computational latencies in the procurement of data for the user. These latencies are usually random in nature, being caused by shared access to common system resources. In a distributed multimedia information system (DMIS), multiple data sources including databases, video cameras, and telephones can be connected to user workstations via high-speed packet-switched networks. System latencies in a DMIS are problematic since several streams originating from independent sources can require synchronization to each other in spite of the asynchronous nature of the network. To support the presentation of time-dependent data, scheduling disciplines associat- ed with real-time operating systems are necessary. However, the real-time requirements can be relaxed since data delivery can tolerate some occasional lateness, i.e., catastrophic results do not occur when data are not delivered on time. For multimedia data, real-time deadlines consist of the playout times for individual data elements that can be scheduled based on a specified probability being missed. The design of a system to support time- dependent media must account for latencies in each system component used in the deliv- ery of data, from its source to its destination. Therefore, specific scheduling is required for storage devices, the CPU, and communications resources. Most recent work supporting time-dependent data is in the areas of live data communications [2-10], data storage systems [1, 11-17], and general distributed systems [1, 8, 18-22]. The work in data communications has usually been applied to live, periodic data sources such as packet audio and video [2-10] and for applications that do not exceed the capacity of the communication channel. These applications typically use a point-to- point configuration since there is seldom any need to deliver synchronous data streams from multiple independent live sources. Packet delay variations at the receiver are effec- tively eliminated by buffering and the introduction of a constant time offset resulting in a reshaping of the distribution of arriving packets to reduce delay variance. For stored-data applications, time-dependencies must also be managed [1, 11-17]. Unlike live data, which are typically periodic during acquisition and presentation, stored data can require aperiodic playout and can be retrieved from storage at arbitrary times prior to presentation to the user. Audio and video data types require very large amounts of storage space and will exist primarily in secondary storage. When data originate from storage, the system has more flexibility in scheduling the times at which data are commu- nicated to the application. Since data are not generated in real-time, they can be retrieved in bulk, well ahead of their playout deadlines. This is contrasted with live sources (e.g., a video camera), that generate data at the same rate as required for consumption. Unlike live sources, stored data applications in a DMIS can require synchronization for data originat- ing from independent sources and simple data sequencing cannot provide intermedia synchronization. Our work is intended for stored-data applications which, due to the heterogeneity and concurrency of multimedia data, the channel capacity can be exceeded for some intervals. We propose the use of a priori knowledge of data traffic characteristics to facil- itate scheduling, when available, rather than providing on-line scheduling of dynamic input data based on its statistical nature. In essence, the dynamic bandwidth requirements of a multimedia object are fit into a finite channel capacity rather than the available bandwidth dictating the feasibility of the application, i.e., the inherent burstiness of the object is smoothed via our approach. The result is that delays are traded-off for the satis- faction of a playout schedule, even when the capacity of the channel is exceeded by the application. In the remainder of this paper we describe an approach to the scheduling of time- dependent multimedia data retrieval under limited bandwidth conditions. In Section 2, we discuss the properties of time-dependent multimedia data. In Section 3, we describe our approach to scheduling time-dependent traffic under a bandwidth constraint, and provide several examples. Section 4 describes practical considerations for applying the derived schedules. Section 5 concludes the paper. 2 Properties of Time-Dependent Data For management of time-dependent data in a computer system we are confronted with sequences of data objects which require periodic and aperiodic computation and communication that is oriented towards presentation of information to the user. In this section we describe several approaches to characterizing these time-dependencies through temporal modeling. These models can then facilitate real-time scheduling of data presen- tation when system latencies are present (Section 3). 2.1 Temporal Models A common representation for the temporal component of time-dependent data is based on temporal intervals [12, 23, 24] in what is called temporal-interval-based (TIB) modeling. This technique associates a time interval to the playout duration of each time- dependent data object. For example, the playout of a sequence of video frames can be represented by using temporal intervals as shown in Fig. 1. A binary relationship called a temporal relationship (TR) can be identified between pairs of intervals. A temporal rela- tionship can indicate whether two intervals overlap, abut, etc. [24]. With such a TIB modeling scheme, complex timeline representations of multimedia object presentation can be represented by application of the temporal relations to pairs of temporal intervals. Each interval can also be represented by its start time and end time via instant-based modeling. Therefore, for a sequence of data objects, we can describe their time depend- encies as either a sequence of related intervals or as a sequence of start and end times. In the latter, the start times can be interpreted as deadlines as required for real-time schedul- ing. Fig. 2 shows the symbols that we associate with the intervals and deadlines in a time-dependent data specification. For each interval i we indicate its start time pi and duration ti. The relative positioning of multiple intervals represents their time dependen- cies tdi. Their overall duration is defined by tTR. A disadvantage with the instant-based approach is that modifications, including deletions or insertions, to a sequence of time-dependent data require changing subsequent time instances. For a TIB representation, the deadlines are implied by the precedence relationships described by the temporal relations. However, time instances in the form of deadlines are more suitable for the real-time scheduling during data playout [25]. To satisfy both needs we need the ability to derive the deadlines from the TIB representation. 2.2 n-ary Temporal Relationships Binary temporal relations are sufficient for describing any simple or complex time- dependent data. However, we can generalize the binary temporal relations and ultimately simplify the data structures necessary for maintaining temporal semantics. Furthermore, by restricting the temporal relationships to have certain characteristics, we can simplify the process of scheduling data retrieval of time-dependent data. We therefore propose a new kind of homogeneous temporal relation for describing time-dependent data. The new temporal relation on n objects, or intervals, is defined as follows: Definition 1: Let P be an ordered set n of temporal intervals such that P = {P1, P2, ... Pn}. A temporal relation, TR, is called an n-ary temporal relation, denoted TRn, if and only if Pi TR Pi+1 "i (1 <_ i < n). Like binary temporal relations, there are thirteen possible n-ary temporal relations which reduce to seven cases after eliminating their inverses [12]. When n = 2, the n-ary temporal relations simply become the binary ones, i.e., when n = 2, P1 TR P2. If we re- strict our discussion to n-ary relations with the property that pi <_ pj, "i, j, i < j, (1 <_ i, j <_ n), then the deadlines of each object in a given sequence will be monotonically increasing [26]. This property is satisfied by the temporal relations of before, meets, overlaps, dur- ing-1, starts, finishes-1, and equals. By using this subset of the thirteen temporal relations we do not restrict our ability to model time-dependencies [26]. In the process of presenting time-dependent multimedia data, we can use prece- dence relationship between related intervals [12], or we can use a deadline-driven ap- proach. Since the n-ary temporal representation uses precedence relationships among intervals, to apply a deadline-driven approach we must be able to generate the exact playout deadline of each element based on the intervals and their relationship. This task is necessary for real-time scheduling of object retrieval in the presence of non-negligible delays [25]. The following theorem describes the relative playout time (deadline) for any object or start point of a temporal interval. Theorem 1: The relative deadline pk for interval k for any n-ary temporal relation, is determined by pk = 0, for k = 1 pk = Si=1k-1 tdi, for 1 < k <_ n Proof: Since timing is relative to the start of the set of intervals, we let p1 = 0. p2 = p1 + td1 since td1 = p2 - p1, by definition of delay for the binary case. Suppose that pm = Si=1m-1 tdi, for some m. For intervals Pm and Pm+1, Pm TR Pm+1 by Definition 1. Therefore, we can conclude the hypothesis by applying induction on pm. || Theorem 1 describes the efficient conversion of an interval-based representation to an instant-based one. In the following section we investigate the implications of real system latencies on the retrieval of time-dependent data and the satisfaction of the tempo- ral specification. 2.3 Playout Timing with Delays In the presence of real system latencies, several additional delay parameters are introduced as shown in Fig. 3. In order to properly synchronize some data element x with a playout time p, sufficient time must be allowed to overcome the latency l caused by data generation, packet assembly, transmission, etc., otherwise, the deadline p will be missed. If we choose a time called the control time T such that T >_ l, then scheduling the retrieval at T time units prior to p guarantees successful playout timing. The retrieval time, or packet production time f is defined as f = p - T. The case of synchronizing one event is equivalent to the problem of meeting a single real-time deadline, a subset of the real-time scheduling problem. For streams of data, the multiple playout times and laten- cies are represented by the sets P = {pi} and F = {fi}. Fig. 4 illustrates the effect of introducing a control time to reduce the delay varia- tion on the elements of a sequence of data called a stream. Here, elements of stream are generated at a source and experience a random delay with a distribution described by p(t) before reaching their destination. They then require synchronization based on a playout schedule with deadlines pi and playout durations ti. A suitable control time can be found for a stream of data and target percentage of missed deadlines based on such a delay characteristic [2-5]. Variation in both li, the latencies of individual stream elements, and ti, their playout durations, can result in short term average or instantaneous need for buffering which is accommodated by T. For live sources, if fi are the packet production times, then fi = pi - T, "i, where pi are the playout times. The playout sequence is merely shifted in time by T from the generation times. Furthermore, playout durations are typi- cally uniform (ti = tj, "i ,j), and delay variation governs the buffering requirement. In the general case, we are presented with arbitrary streams characterized by pi, li, and ti and would like to determine the amount of buffering necessary to maintain playout timing with a given probability of failure. One of the assumptions in the earlier analyses is that the generation of packets is at a rate equal to the consumption rate as is typical for live sources. When we consider a database as the source of a packetized stream instead of a live source (e.g., a camera), it is permissible for the playout schedule to specify retrieval of data exceeding the available channel capacity, and the earlier scheduling policies are deficient. In essence, data stor- age sources give us more freedom in controlling the packet production times. This is particularly important when we require concurrency in the playout of multiple media. 3 Scheduling with a Bandwidth Constraint Since it is assumed that the channel capacity can be exceeded, we seek a method for smoothing the overloaded capacity during the life of a connection interval yet still main- taining playout timing. In this section we present our proposed scheduling approach and illustrate it with several examples. The approach generates a schedule that utilizes the full capacity of the channel by providing buffering at the destination based on a priori knowl- edge of the playout schedule P. 3.1 Data Retrieval Timing To develop an approach to scheduling data retrieval we must first characterize the properties of the multimedia objects and the communications channel. The total end-to- end delay for a packet can be decomposed into three components: a constant delay Dp corresponding to propagation delay and other constant overheads, a constant delay Dt proportional to the packet size, and a variable delay Dv which is a function of the end-to- end network traffic. Dt is determined from the channel capacity C as Dt = Sm/C, where Sm is the packet size for medium m. Therefore, the end-to-end delay for a single packet can be described as De = Dp + Dt + Dv. Since multimedia data objects can be very large, they can consist of many packets. If |x| describes the size of some object x in bits, then the number of packets r constituting x is determined by r = ceiling(|x|/Sm). The end-to-end delay for an object x is then De = Dp + rDt + Sj=1r Dvj. Like the non-bandwidth constrained approaches, a control time can be identified for either single packets or for complete objects given a selected probability of receiving a late packet (object) called P(fail). Control time Ti is defined as the skew between putting a packet (object) onto the channel and playing it out (Ti = pi - fi). Given P(fail), and the cumulative distribution function F of interarrival delays on the channel, we can readily find Ti for either packets or objects as shown below. Ti = Dp + Sm/C + F-1(1 - P(fail)) Ti = Dp + riSm/C + Fr-1(1 - P(fail)) In these equations, F-1(p) determines the delay d for p = F(d) = P(Dv <_ d), and Fr- 1(p) determines the delay d for p = Fr(d) = P(Sj=1r Dvj <_ d). Since Fr(d) requires a convolu- tion on r random variables, it is computationally impractical for an arbitrary distribution on Dv when r is large. However, a Gaussian approximation for the distribution of a sum of r independent random variables is reasonable for large r, and can be realized given the mean m, and variance s2, of the interarrival distribution. 3.2 Delay and Capacity Constraints In Section 3.1, only single packets and objects are considered. When multiple objects are retrieved, it is possible to exceed the capacity of the channel, and therefore we must consider the timing interaction of the objects. Transmission of objects is either back-to-back or introduces slack time, depending on their size and time of playout. We define an optimal schedule for a set of objects to be one which minimizes their control times. Two constraints determine the minimum control time for a set of objects. These are the minimum end-to-end delay (MD constraint) per object, and the finite capacity (FC constraint) of the channel. The MD constraint simply states that an object cannot be played-out before arrival. This constraint must always be met. The FC constraint de- scribes the relation between a retrieval time and its successor when the channel is busy and accounts for the interarrival time due to transit time and variable delays. It also represents the minimum retrieval time between successive objects. These constraints are summarized mathematically below. pi >_ fi + Ti MD constraint fi-1 <_ fi - Ti-1 + DpFC constraint The following result combines the MD and FC constraints and describes the charac- teristics of an optimal schedule (see Fig. 5). Theorem 2: An optimal schedule for any object i has the following characteristics: "i, fi >_ pi-1 - Dp => fi-1 = pi-1 - Ti-1, and fi < pi-1 - Dp => fi-1 = fi - Ti-1 + Dp Proof: Any object in the set can find the channel idle or with a backlog of items. If it is slack, the equality of the MD constraint is optimal, by definition. Similarly, when the channel is busy, the equality of the FC constraint is optimal. Clearly the channel is slack when fi occurs after pi-1, but it can also be slack when fi >_ pi-1 - Dp due to the "pipeline" delays. Therefore, the state of the channel, idle or slack, can be identified.|| We now show how to construct such a schedule. Given the characteristics of the channel and of a composite multimedia object (Dv, Dp, Dt, C, Sm, pi, |xi|), a schedule can be constructed. We begin by establishing an optimal retrieval time for the final, mth object, i.e., fm = pm - Tm. The remainder of the schedule can be determined by iterative application of the MD and FC constraints for adjacent objects. The resultant schedule indicates the times at which to put objects onto the channel between source and destina- tion, or it can be used to establish the worst-case buffering requirement. This approach is embodied in the following scheduling algorithm shown below. fm = pm - Tm for i = 0 : m - 2 if fm-i < pm-i-1 - Dp fm-i-1 = fm-i - Ti-1 + Dp else fm-i-1 = pm-i-1 - Tm-i-1 end end It is also possible to determine the number of buffers required when using the playout schedule F, again noting that it is necessary to obtain an element prior to its use. For each fetch time fi, the number of buffers Ki required is equal to the size of the objects with elapsed playout deadlines between fi and pi-1 [25]. From this methodology we can determine the buffer use profile, fi versus K, and the maximum delay incurred by buffering, which can be used for allocation of storage re- sources. We now show several examples of the application of the scheduling approach. 3.3 Examples Fig. 6 illustrates the time-dependencies of a sequence of full-motion video images represented by the OCPN [12]. The video is assumed to be compressed and has a nomi- nal playout rate of 30 frames/sec. (|xi| = 1 x 106 bits and ti = 1/30 sec.). The following conditions are assumed for the communications channel: C = 1.5 Mbit/sec., Sm = 8192 bits, Dv = 50 msec., and Dp = 100 msec. The results of the scheduling algorithm are: P = {0.0, 0.033, 0.067, 0.10, 0.13, 0.17} sec. F = {-0.028, 0.0057, 0.039, 0.072, 0.11, 0.14} sec. K = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} bits These results indicate that there is ample time to transmit the specified video traffic without buffering (K buffers) beyond the object in transit, i.e., the size and playout timing is not affected by the channel capacity constraint. Fig. 7 shows a more complex example which exceeds channel capacity. In this case, audio (64 Kbits/sec.), video and images (1024 x 1024 pixels x 8 bits/pixel) are coor dinated in a multimedia presentation. Video and audio data elements are retrieved in 5 and 10 sec. segments, respectively. The results of the scheduling algorithm applied to the playout sequence are: P = {0, 0, 0, 5, 10, 10, 15, 20, 20, 20, 25, 30, 30, 35} sec. F = {-9.5, -6.1, -5.7, 0.0, 0.0, 3.4, 3.8, 7.2, 10.5, 11.0, 16.7, 21.6, 26.2, 26.6} sec. K = {0, 50, 100, 184, 50, 100, 184, 184, 100, 184, 184, 50, 50, 100} x 105 bits In this case, the scheduling algorithm produces a retrieval schedule based on sched- uling adjacent objects in the channel. The results indicate that an initial delay of 9.5 sec. is required prior to beginning playout at the receiver. We now consider practical aspects of the use of the scheduling approach including determination of network delays and application of the derived schedule. 4 Implementation Issues In this section we show how the derived schedule F can be used in two ways. First, the sender can use it to determine the times at which to put objects onto the channel. The receiver then buffers the incoming objects until their deadlines occur. In this case the source must know F, the destination must know P, and the overall control time is p1 - f1 (the computed delay of the first element in the sequence). This scheme can be facilitated by appending pi onto objects as they are transmitted in the form of time stamps. The second way to use F is to determine the worst-case skew between any two objects as Tw = max({pi - fi}), and then to provide Tw amount of delay for every object. Transmission scheduling can then rely on a fixed skew Tw and the P schedule, that is, it can transmit all items with pi in the interval (t <_ t + Tw). The first method minimizes both buffer utilization and delay since the schedule is derived based on these criteria. Furthermore, required buffer allocation need not be con stant but can follow the buffer use profile. The second method provides unnecessary buffering for objects, well ahead of their deadlines, and requires constant buffer alloca- tion. However, it provides a simpler mechanism for implementation. Consider a long sequence of objects of identical size and with regular (periodic) playout intervals. For this sequence, p1 - f1 = Tw, and fi = pi - Tw, assuming the channel capacity C is not exceeded. In this case, the minimum buffering is also provided by the worst-case delay. Such a se quence describes constant bit rate (CBR) video or audio streams which are periodic, producing fixed size frames at regular intervals. Rather than manage many computed deadlines/sec. (e.g., 30/sec. for video), a transmission mechanism more simply sequential- ly transmit objects based on sequence number and Tw. When data originate from live sources, the destination has no control over packet generation times, and sufficient channel capacity must be present to preserve the real-time characteristic of the streams. In this case, the control time can be determined from the size, delay, and channel capacity requirements of a representative data object, e.g., a CBR video frame, and only provides jitter reduction at the receiver. For variable bit rate (VBR) objects, the source data stream is statistical in size and frequency of generated objects, and we apply a pessimistic worst-case characterization of the largest and most frequent VBR object to determine the control time. {fi} defines the packet production times, and playout times are pi = fi + T, as done in previous work. This service can be supported by appending timestamps, in the form of individual deadlines, pi, to the trans- mitted objects. In the general case, a playout schedule is aperiodic, consisting of some periodic and aperiodic deadlines. Typically, during class decomposition, these are isolated, and one of the two scheduling schemes above can be applied. If both exist in the same playout schedule P (e.g., if classes are not decomposed), then the derived schedule F can be used as follows: choose a new control time TE such that (p1 - f1 <_ TE <_ Tw), and drop all deadlines fi from F such that TE >_ pi - fi. The result is a culled schedule F reflecting the deadlines that will not be satisfied by simply buffering based on TE. By choosing TE to encompass a periodic data type (e.g., video), the burden of managing periodic deadlines is eliminated, yet aperiodic objects, requiring extensive channel utilization, can be dealt with using fi - TE, where fi - TE > 0. When multiple delay channels are cascaded, e.g., channel delays plus storage device delays, we see that the end-to-end path capacity is reduced to the value of the slowest component. To facilitate scheduling of each resource, we can apply the derived schedule F of the first channel as the playout schedule of the succeeding channel, while moving towards the source. In this manner, each resource merely meets the schedule stipulated by the preceding resource in the chain, with the initial schedule as P. For this scheme, however, to meet the same P(fail), the failure probability used for computing F on each link must be divided between each component [27]. 5 Conclusion Multimedia applications require the ability to store, communicate, and playout time- dependent data. In this paper we present an approach to satisfying timing requirements in the presence of real system delays when a limited bandwidth component such as a communications channel or storage device is present. The approach utilizes a timing specification in the form of a set of monotonically increasing playout times which are shown to be derivable from a temporal-interval-based timing specification. From the timing specification a retrieval schedule is computed based on the characteristics of the limited-capacity resource. The examples presented illustrate the utility in the proposed mechanism for applications which would normally not be viable due to timing specifica- tion violation during multimedia object retrieval. 6 References [1] Little, T.D.C., Ghafoor, A., "Network Considerations for Distributed Multimedia Object Composition and Communication," IEEE Network, Vol. 4, No. 6, November 1990, pp. 32-49. [2] Barberis, G., Pazzaglia, D., "Analysis and Optimal Design of a Packet-Voice Receiv- er," IEEE Trans. on Comm., Vol. COM-28, No. 2, February 1980, pp. 217-227. 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